Outdoor Lighting Trends Our Designers Have Their Eyes On

Lighting is an integral component of outdoor living. Beyond improving visibility, lighting enhances spaces, establishes mood, increases security and, with the right lighting equipment and artistry has the power to transform any environment into a nighttime piece of art.

New state-of-the-art lighting systems and design trends are constantly changing — our lighting design experts continually stay up to date on the new advances in lighting technology, technique and artistry to ensure our custom designs not only create a functional outdoor space but also leave a lasting impression. Here are five of the latest outdoor lighting trends our designers have their eyes on.

Color Is In

Color-changing lightings are hot this summer. Many homeowners invested a lot in their outdoor spaces last year, and this year it’s all about enjoying that space. Color-changing lights are the perfect way for homeowners to add a little bit of character and infuse their space with some personality. From floating pool lights to pathway bollards, color-changing lights are a fun addition to any outdoor living space.

Functional Lighting

The fun outside doesn’t have to stop when the sun goes down, but seeing lighting equipment often takes away from the environment. Installing functional lighting that is disguised as other objects not only extends the hours of use but can also serve as a focal design element to your outdoor space. For Lincoln Centre Park, we installed benches with internal illumination that not only improve visibility but also create quaint and intimate gathering areas. When the sun sets, these benches add an element of surprise and become the centerpiece to this corporate campus park.


Outdoors Is the New Living Space

Lamps and floating pendants are no longer reserved for indoor living spaces. The pandemic accelerated the need for a functional outdoor living space that serves as an extension of the home and an escape from reality. Floor lamps, table lanterns and one of our favorites — festoon lights — are the perfect element to create a cozy and inviting outdoor living space.


Concealed lighting is a hot trend in outdoor living that we don’t foresee going away, and right now, concealed treadlights are stealing the show. Concealing linear lighting within each individual tread is one of our favorite techniques to incorporate whenever possible. This lighting technique is one of the more difficult to install and requires great attention to detail but is so worth it. Concealed treadlights produce a beautiful glow that add drama and intrigue to any staircase.

Artistic Lighting

Lighting is an astonishing medium to work with and when harnessed effectively, it can become nighttime artwork. With many of us spending a lot more time outdoors, unique lighting installations transform ordinary outdoor spaces into exciting, eye-catching nightscapes.

Lighting design is a creative extension of architectural design and is integral to the built environment. With the right techniques and sense of artistry, lighting can transform the nightscape of any environment. If you’re looking to elevate your outdoor environment, contact us for a complimentary consultation.