Using Six Elements of Design to Create a Harmonious Home Environment

When our team designs lighting, we consider color, form, line, shape, space and texture, and how these six design elements exist in the environment, and how to work with each element to achieve beautiful results. We pay close attention to the balance of color and light, the emphasis on forms and textures, and the movement of shapes and lines to create rhythm and harmony within the space. 

Our team was able to create a harmonious home environment for this residential project in Plano, Texas by using a careful blend of each of these six elements. 

In the front of the home, we used tier lighting to showcase the space of the property. From the street, you can see uplights on the house, downlights in the canopies of the large oak trees, and downlights in the smaller ornamental trees. These multiple levels of lighting complement one another to demonstrate the depth and fullness of the property.

For this project, our team was fortunate to work with Reynolds Landscape and Pools to design lighting that would work alongside the beautiful landscape they incorporated into the residence. The trees and bushes they planted along the front driveway and back walkways create natural lines that we were able to illuminate. 

“Professionalism, creativity and reliability are the hard-to-find combined qualities that Signature Illumination Designs provides for Reynolds Landscape and Pools and our clients,” said Carl Reynolds, owner of Reynolds Landscape and Pools. “It is a privilege to have them on our team,” he added. 


Our team also considered the elements of shape and color as we installed lights to illuminate the large metal sculpture in the front driveway. In order to highlight the curves of the sculpture’s large rings, our team used LED City 120V color changing LED lights. These pink, blue and purple color changing lights not only show off the shape of the sculpture, but their vibrant colors give the entrance of the home an energetic and electric vibe that welcomes visitors. 

In addition to welcoming visitors at the front entrance, our team crafted a design for the backyard that would continue to reflect the homeowner’s spirit. Utilizing warm LED downlights in the trees and uplights at the base of the tree, we were able to create a soft glow in the backyard seating area and walkways. 

Moreover, the presence of downlights in the large oak trees that frame the front driveway create an overarching “moonlight” effect. The moonlighting technique is when a shadowy effect is created that resembles the natural light of the moon. To create this effect, our light technicians place the light close to the trunk and higher up in the tree so it shines down between the branches. Our team installed Alliance LV LED lighting for the smaller ornamental trees, and Techlight 120V LED lights for the large hardwood trees in order to create this effect.

The moonlighting effect uses the element of form by creating the presence of shadows on the driveway. This technique is also useful for emphasizing texture. Because of the way the shadows bounce off of the cracks in the brick driveway, we are able to gain an understanding for the surface quality and feel of the front entranceway. In this instance, the elements of form and texture work well together.

No matter what focal point you desire to feature, our team will work with you to install lighting that is truly a work of art, taking into account the six elements of design. 

Contact us if you have a property you want to transform into a work of art.