Using Focused Features to Illuminate the Architectural Elements of a Home

Signature Illumination Designs understands the vitality of lighting in architecture. The correlation between architecture and light is inevitable. Lighting is a key element in architectural design because it plays a crucial role in the way people see, experience and understand architecture. 

Lighting is the medium through which people are able to interpret an architectural design and come to appreciate the details that went into creating a structure. When a building or structure is lit up, people are able to see the beauty that exists all around. We are proud to play a role in accentuating the details that make architectural structures beautiful. 

In this residential project, the goal was to add enough lighting to the property that people could appreciate the home, but not an overwhelming amount. An overabundance of light causes the viewer to be distracted by bright glares and causes the details to be blown out by the light. Our team took this delicate balance into account when designing the lighting system for this home. 


Our talented technicians created the lighting system in phases to assure the home was not over-lighted in a way that would distract from its beauty. We started by using smaller, more focused lighting fixtures to illuminate specific features. In the front of the house we installed Alliance LV LED lighting in the smaller ornamental trees that line the flowerbeds. Additionally, we installed small downlights at the top of each column along the roof to shine down and illuminate the ornate molding and brick. 

In addition to the downlights placed above the columns in the front of the home, our team installed a few simple strands of Sterling LED string lighting over the fire pit. The warm, orange color of the lights complement the glow of the fire, making it feel more natural and allowing residents and visitors of the home to enjoy one another’s presence without ruining the outdoor experience with lights that feel too artificial. 

These smaller, specifically placed light fixtures enabled us to elevate the home’s architectural elements that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. 

Next, we utilized broader fixtures to illuminate the large hardwood trees, and implemented downlights to create a “moonlighting” effect around the house and gardens.  We also added lantern fixtures along the front façade of the home to highlight the spacious porch and uniquely rounded front door. The combination of mounted lanterns and lights in the trees showcases the beauty of the brick and wood paneling that work together to frame the garage doors and entire front of the home. 

In residential projects such as this one it’s important to consider which fixtures are going to best complement the unique design of the home. Call on our team to provide a natural and balanced lighting scene that will elevate the architecture of your home.