Lighting Cuba's Oldest Brewery in Miami

Cuba’s oldest brewery is now Miami’s youngest. Cervecería La Tropical, a family business founded in Cuba in the 1880s, has found its new home in the heart of Miami. In preparation for the historic grand opening, we were honored with the opportunity to develop a custom lighting scheme inspired by the tropics. Collaborating closely with our key partners, Barry Miller, landscape architect from Savino Miller Design Studio and Teobaldo Rosell, general contractor with BDI Construction, Signature Illumination Designs created an elegant lighting solution to illuminate the brewery’s grounds.

Upon arrival, guests are transported to the Caribbean as they walk into the 10,000-square-foot botanical garden. Our goal for this project was to create an engaging, tropical environment that illuminates the distinctive garden and adds to the Latin Caribbean inspired space. Our team incorporated a variety of lighting techniques to ensure that the tropical plants on the lush property — from tall palm trees to elegant orchids and hanging air plants — were properly illuminated.


Signature’s professional lighting designers strategically installed cutting-edge lighting fixtures in the tall branches cascading over the garden. This technique mimics the natural glow of the moon, creating delicate shadows that blanket the outdoor space and add to the tropical oasis. At the base of the trees, we installed uplights to naturally draw the eye to the trees surrounding the garden, adding depth and illumination.


The jungle-like garden includes a wall dedicated to colorful, flowering plants. Our team thoughtfully positioned LED lighting at the back of the wall to ensure the smaller, more intricate tropical plants do not go unnoticed in this flourishing garden. When grazed with light, the living wall casts shadows, adding drama and intrigue to the space and transforming it into a nighttime artwork.

No brewery is complete without an outdoor live-music stage. Our team of electrical contractors installed a sophisticated stage lighting system that seamlessly blends with the tropical garden, creating a unified atmosphere that can be felt throughout the property.

A vestige of the brewery founded in Cuba, La Tropical’s new home in Miami serves as a place for guests to gather and celebrate life. Our extensive experience as electrical contractors and knowledge of lighting guided us in developing a unique lighting scheme that achieved the goals of La Tropical. If you are a director of engineering or oversee a commercial property and are interested in lighting or electrical work at your site, contact us to set up a complimentary consultation.